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En Provence, l'extérieur est aussi important que l'intérieur de la maison, entre le calme de la terrasse ou du jardin et le confort, la simplicité des maisons de villages ou l'exubérance des villas côtières. L'ouvrage propose également un carnet d'adresses pour préparer un séjour et découvrir cette région. ©Electre 2025
Provence is not just a region ; it's a way of life. While its gardens offer visions of paradise regained, its houses reflect a secret harmony between interior and exterior. A house in Provence can be a Cardinal's palace, a bastide amidst the vines, the architectural backdrop for a contemporary art collection, a dramatic presence on the ramparts of an ancient village, or a hidden cabin screened by trees. Living in Provence takes you on an enchanted walk, rich in surprises and detours, through sunlight and dappled shadow, with visits to private homes, charming hotels, and other delightful hideaways. In this glorious region, where history and legend become one, time flows differently, slowly, with a charm and tranquility found nowhere else.
Lucky are those who live in Provence ! From the ocher hills to the lavender fields, and from the olive trees blowing in the mistral wind to the ancient cliffs sculpted by the elements, the beauty of Provence is eternal.
The provençal home opens onto nature, the sea, a forest, a shadowed terrace, or a flowering patio, and defines itself through an uninterrupted exchange between interior and exterior. Cabins and cabanas on the edge of the Mediterranean, small stone houses clustered together in the heart of an old village, farmhouses and bastides encircled by olive groves, fortified châteaux or ancient abbeys enthroned in the middle of a vineyard, and contemporary villas : there are as many different styles as there are homes, all sharing a way of life dictated by a feeling of well-being.
In the tranquility of their world, homeowners-some famous, some not-share a common passion for the natural riches of this region, which they celebrate in their homes and gardens through their choice of colors, materials, and forms-all created with a keen sense of beauty. Whether generous or modest in size, classic or contemporary in style, furnished with traditional works of art or modern sculpture, the element which unifies all these homes is their spirit, which reflects, according to traditional or more minimalist styles, the speciality of the Midi : its equilibrium and sense of peace.
A comprehensive "Useful Information" section is included in this book, detailing the region's best guesthouses, hotels, and restaurants, as well as international addresses for obtaining authentic provençal goods and services.
Paru le : 17/03/2003
Thématique : Tapisserie d’ameublement
Auteur(s) : Auteur : Dane McDowell
Éditeur(s) :
Collection(s) : Non précisé.
Contributeur(s) : Photographe : Christian Sarramon - Préfacier : Michel Biehn
Série(s) : Non précisé.
ISBN : Non précisé.
EAN13 : 9782080111395
Reliure : Relié sous jaquette
Pages : 219
Hauteur: 26.0 cm / Largeur 26.0 cm
Épaisseur: 2.1 cm
Poids: 1340 g