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Illustrée de nombreux plans, cette publication présente 44 projets urbains réalisés en Europe, de Copenhague à Tirana. ©Electre 2025
Architecture and urban transformation are among the most effective political tools for improving the social cohesion, quality of life and prosperity of today's cities.
Like all major European conurbations, Brussels is facing sizeable urban and social challenges, linked to demographics and migratory flows, urban economics and public amenities. From Copenhagen to Tirana and from London to Madrid, by way of Milan, Zurich, Lyon and Amsterdam, this book showcases the positive experiences from 44 exemplary and innovative urban projects: the transformation of run-down areas into dynamic districts with strong economic and cultural appeal, the integration of social housing, unifying tram and tube lines, and the creation of new symbols.
Courtesy of an exciting blend of leading names in architecture and audacious young agencies (Alexandre Chemetoff, Christ & Gantenbein, FOA, Foster + Partners, Édouard François, Grafton Architects, Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas, Lacaton & Vassal, Jean Nouvel, Bernardo Secchi, Peter Zumthor and many others), Europe is becoming Brussels's very own laboratory for reflection and inspiration.
Paru le : 09/02/2012
Thématique : Monographies d'architectes Autres pays
Auteur(s) : Non précisé.
Éditeur(s) :
Collection(s) : Architectures
Contributeur(s) : Directeur de publication : Joachim Declerck - Editeur scientifique (ou intellectuel) : Elise François - Préfacier : Emir Kir
Série(s) : Non précisé.
ISBN : 978-2-86364-961-9
EAN13 : 9782863649619
Reliure : Broché
Hauteur: 33.0 cm / Largeur 25.0 cm
Épaisseur: 0.1 cm
Poids: 1566 g