
The true Celtic language and the stone circle of Rennes-les-Bains

Auteur : Henri Boudet

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Selon H. Boudet, les racines d'une langue cachée ou perdue se trouvaient dissimulées dans les noms géographiques et les mots d'usage quotidien. Il pensait que cette langue perdue était en fait la racine de toutes les langues parlées par les humains. L'ouvrage rassemble ses différentes études étymologiques et ses comparaisons détaillées en phonétique. ©Electre 2025

«We dream that, after the analysis of certain deliberately obscured works, we may possess a secret which owes nothing to former knowledge, whether or not previously revealed.»

André Breton's dream of the lost book is not only well-placed amongst those who give birth to it. He is one of those very rare figures who allow it to become manifest.

That is why I like to wonder what thoughts the founder of surrealism would have drawn from this opaque work if he had known it and had approached its flame. It was he who pulled from the shadows those whom he once called the «Têtes d'orage» : Alphonse Rabbe, Xavier Forneret, Raymond Roussel and lastly Jean-Pierre Brisset, the inventor of the Grammaire logique which is not dissimilar, in some respects, to Boudet's magnum opus.

Like them, the author of La Vraie Langue Celtique et le Cromleck de Rennes-les-Bains deserves this title of «perfect nobody», which is more enviable than can be believed. I mean that he deserves to take his place amongst the Silent brilliant ones, inhabitants of this Forbidden City of the psyche where as mysteriously as wheat, the seed of language germinates.

Gérard de Sède

Fiche Technique

Paru le : 25/08/2008

Thématique : New-age

Auteur(s) : Auteur : Henri Boudet

Éditeur(s) : Les Editions de l'Oeil du Sphinx

Collection(s) : Le serpent rouge

Contributeur(s) : Préfacier : Gérard de Sède

Série(s) : Non précisé.

ISBN : Non précisé.

EAN13 : 9782914405508

Reliure : Broché

Pages : XIX-310

Hauteur: 23.0 cm / Largeur 14.0 cm

Poids: 400 g