
Making another world possible : social economy, cooperatives and sustainable development : lessons from french and international experiences

Auteur : Jean-François Draperi

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Propose une hypothèse d'action radicale et non-violente, fondée sur les principes de volontariat, d'égalité et de solidarité. Il plaide en faveur d'une économie qui réponde aux besoins et aux attentes et qui se donne l'éducation comme finalité. Il associe des présentations de pratiques remarquables d'économie sociale, alternative ou solidaire à des analyses puisant dans diverses disciplines. ©Electre 2025

Social economy, cooperatives and sustainable development Lessons from French and international experiences

"Another world is possible," declare the anti-globalization protesters. But which other world? And how will it be built? That is the question this little book addresses. It was written for those who want to change their lives and help change the world. As a response to this question, it proposes a hypothesis for radical non-violent action based on the principles of voluntary participation, equality and solidarity. It pleads in favor of an economy that meets the needs and aspirations of people, an economy that is not an end in itself but makes education its objective, an economy that enables the human being to strengthen one's individual and collective identity and become emancipated.

Is this economy utopian? If it is, it is a pratical utopia as shown by its rich history in Europe, Africa, India and Latin America. The enterprises that make up this sector - cooperatives, mutual societies and associations - are groupings of people and not companies owned by stockholders. By adopting democratic rules of functioning, limiting the power of capital, and establishing cross-generational solidarity in the community, they define an alternative relationship with work and are the best means for sustainable local development.

Drawing on the history of the French cooperative movement, the work presents both the remarkable practices of the social, alternative and solidarity economy and analyses based on various disciplines in the social sciences.

Fiche Technique

Paru le : 30/10/2005

Thématique : Essais d'économie

Auteur(s) : Auteur : Jean-François Draperi

Éditeur(s) : Presses de l'économie sociale

Collection(s) : Non précisé.

Contributeur(s) : Traducteur : Jesse Bryant - Préfacier :

Série(s) : Non précisé.

ISBN : Non précisé.

EAN13 : 9782952385411

Reliure : Broché

Pages : 111

Hauteur: 17.0 cm / Largeur 11.0 cm

Épaisseur: 1.0 cm

Poids: 0 g