
The british soldier in north west Europe, 1944-1945 : uniforms, insignia, equipment, organisation, armament and vehicles

Auteur : Jean Bouchery

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Présentation en images de l'armée de terre britannique en 1944-1945 : les divisions, organisations et effectifs, les coiffures et leurs insignes, les uniformes, les insignes en tissu et les marquages de grade, l'équipement individuel, les ordres, décorations et médailles, l'armement individuel, les véhicules, etc. ©Electre 2025

The purpose of this book is to collect, in an easily readable form, the basic technical data that concern the British army as engaged in the North-West European campaign between 6th June 1944 and 8th May 1945.

The author's aim has been to include as much information as possible, without making any claim to exhaustivity, along clear and simple guidelines. Special emphasis has been given to the organisation of units, a key element in the correct understanding of other chapters.

Those readers who have an interest in contemporary history will thus have within their easy reach a reference to data which, if frequently referred to, are rarely made explicit in historical works, to which « The British Tommy » brings but a complement.

Even though this book is not meant for their sole use, the collectors, reenactment groups, modellers or simple « militaria » enthusiasts should find here basic documents in the form of articles, which many will probably have read already, summarized from « Militaria Magazine », a specialized French publication of international renown.

The layout of these articles has been entirely updated, and a large number of unpublished material has been added.

If this handbook - as it is to be considered - should find even a modest place in the impressive bibliography devoted to the armies which fought on the same front, in the same period but, it is true, on a different scale, then this long and patient research will be fully justified.

This book is a reprint reshaped by both volumes of the « British Soldier, from Normandy to the Baltic Sea » published respectively in 1998 and 1999.

Fiche Technique

Paru le : 16/01/2013

Thématique : Sécurité nationale ou Défense du territoire

Auteur(s) : Auteur : Jean Bouchery

Éditeur(s) : Histoire et collections

Collection(s) : Non précisé.

Contributeur(s) : Illustrateur : Jean-Marie Mongin - Traducteur : Alan McKay

Série(s) : Non précisé.

ISBN : 978-2-35250-203-6

EAN13 : 9782352502036

Reliure : Broché

Pages : 224

Hauteur: 30.0 cm / Largeur 23.0 cm

Épaisseur: 2.0 cm

Poids: 1360 g