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L'histoire de l'ours en peluche est retracée à travers une riche iconographie, cinq essais et trois cahiers thématiques. Winnie l'ourson, Michka ou encore Paddington, la figure de l'ours est devenue un symbole de l'enfance. Ses représentations au fil des décennies ainsi que le rapport des hommes à cet animal depuis l'Antiquité sont abordés. ©Electre 2025
The incredible popularity of the teddy bear, which can be found in every child's bedroom, hides a paradox: how did this wild, ferocious beast, once king of the animals and venerated for its aggressive strength, become the universal symbol of childhood, tenderness, and comfort?
While many toys have existed since ancient times, the teddy bear is a relatively recent arrival. Invented simultaneously in Germany and the United States in the early twentieth century, it was created by a female toymaker in one country and inspired by an American president in the other. It also marks a turning point in society's awareness of the particular needs of the very young.
With essays by several authors, including Michel Pastoureau, this book offers magnificent reproductions of teddy bears, most of which are from the collection of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, as well as contemporary artworks, illuminated manuscripts, paintings, engravings, prehistoric objects, fashion designs, photographs, and advertisements. Moreover, it traces the history of this symbolic toy, revealing its significance and importance in the social and cultural landscape.
Paru le : 06/12/2024
Thématique : Travaux manuels
Auteur(s) : Non précisé.
Éditeur(s) :
Arts décoratifs
Collection(s) : Non précisé.
Contributeur(s) : Directeur de publication : Anne Monier - Préfacier : Johannes Huth - Préfacier : Bénédicte Gady - Traducteur : Kate Deimling
Série(s) : Non précisé.
ISBN : 978-2-38314-027-6
EAN13 : 9782383140276
Reliure : Broché
Pages : 143
Hauteur: 29.0 cm / Largeur 21.0 cm
Épaisseur: 1.4 cm
Poids: 580 g