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Présentation du parcours du chef D. Toutain, de ses débuts à l'ouverture fin 2013 de son propre restaurant, en passant par ses différentes expériences, notamment celle à la tête du restaurant parisien l'Agapé Substance. ©Electre 2025
Chefs have much to say. If they express themselves naturally through their food, they do it more and more through other media, often playing with their image, sometimes building on their ideas. With this book, Chef David Toutain (restaurant David Toutain, Paris VII) talks about his personal journey and also reflects on cooking in general and the creative act. The interviews, conducted by journalist Franck Pinay-Rabaroust, put into perspective the job of a chef, with its constraints, its evolution, its richness and its promises.
David Toutain's creativity and influence on a whole generation of leaders, far beyond France, are not disputed by anyone: he naturally emerged as a bridgehead that one is tempted to call "nouvelle nouvelle cuisine", free and unfettered. Only in his thirties and with a remarkable career working with Bernard Pacaud, Alain Passard, and Marc Veyrat, Toutain takes a fascinating look at his cuisine, one that will interest all those for whom the world of chefs does not leave indifferent. The Cuisine of David Toutain is his first book.
Paru le : 02/04/2015
Thématique : Grands cuisiniers Français
Auteur(s) : Personne interviewée : David Toutain Interviewer : Franck Pinay-Rabaroust
Éditeur(s) :
Les Ateliers d'Argol
Collection(s) : Victuals
Contributeur(s) : Photographe : Thaï Toutain - Traducteur : Maximilian Brad Shrem
Série(s) : Non précisé.
ISBN : 979-10-94136-01-0
EAN13 : 9791094136263
Reliure : Broché
Pages : 218
Hauteur: 18.0 cm / Largeur 14.0 cm
Épaisseur: 1.8 cm
Poids: 336 g