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Requiert un compte Mollat
Requiert un compte Mollat
90 recettes illustrées pour des repas conviviaux dont l'ingrédient principal est la joie : aubergines de Sicile à l'origan, gambas au melon, couscous végétarien express ou encore marquis au chocolat. ©Electre 2025
« Cooking is the way that I create connection. Sharing with my guests and making them happy, delighted - it's truly wonderful ! I can't think of anything else that could bring me greater joy ! »
Throughout her long life of gathering friends and family together around the table, Perla Servan-Schreiber has perfected the art of joyful entertaining. Drawing from her Mediterranean roots, her adopted homes in Paris and Provence, and her travels in Asia, she shares more than ninety flexitarian recipes, including Smoky Eggplant Caviar, Soy-Sautéed Shiitakes, a traditional Vietamese Pho, Chestnut Velouté with Porcini, Monkfish Carina, Braised Chicken with Saffron and Fennel, her family's Shakshuka, Raspberry Clafoutis, and Chocolate Truffle Cake. Completed with her essential kitchen tips and extensive indexes including vegetarian options and gluten-free substitutions to accommodate up to twelve guests, Enjoy is your recipe for creating unforgettable memories.
Paru le : 28/10/2020
Thématique : Cuisine traditionnelle
Auteur(s) : Auteur : Perla Servan-Schreiber
Éditeur(s) :
Collection(s) : Non précisé.
Contributeur(s) : Photographe : Nathalie Carnet - Traducteur : Ansley Evans
Série(s) : Non précisé.
ISBN : 978-2-08-151340-2
EAN13 : 9782081513402
Reliure : Relié
Pages : 253
Hauteur: 27.0 cm / Largeur 20.0 cm
Épaisseur: 2.6 cm
Poids: 1064 g