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Requiert un compte Mollat
Requiert un compte Mollat
Un guide pour orienter les étudiants en doctorat d'administration des affaires dans leur choix de méthodes et d'outils de recherche, de recueil et d'analyse des données, et proposant une contextualisation de ces méthodes. ©Electre 2025
Research Methods for the DBA
The thesis completed as part of the Doctorate in Business Administration, called the DBA, requires the candidate to choose from a wide range of research methods and tools so this project can become reality. Determining, choosing, implementing and contextualizing research methods and tools are all crucial steps for the success of the research work undertaken as part of the DBA thesis.
The 30 chapters of this book have been prepared to the attention of DBA candidates, to orient and guide them in choosing research methods and tools. The first part raises the question of the choice of research methods ; the second one deals with data collection methods ; the third part focuses on data analysis methods ; and the fourth surveys the contextualization of methods. Written so as to ensure contents are accessible and to foster learning, the chapters provide the foundations and resources to guide methodological choices.
This book is the English augmented edition of the French edition published as part of the Business Science Institute collection. The aim is to produce reference books to guide the academic work of doctoral candidates in the scientific training curriculum of the DBA. The first collective book published in 2015, The Creation of Knowledge by Managers (available in French), aimed to establish the main guidelines for this new role assumed by managers in management practice : that of new knowledge producers. Also part of the collection, the book How to Successfully Complete Your DBA ?, aims to guide the research elaboration and execution of the DBA thesis.
Paru le : 03/10/2019
Thématique : Economie générale
Auteur(s) : Non précisé.
Éditeur(s) :
Management et société
Collection(s) : Business science institute
Contributeur(s) : Directeur de publication : Françoise Chevalier - Directeur de publication : Martin Cloutier - Directeur de publication : Nathalie Nadia Mitev - Préfacier : Michel Kalika - Préfacier : Paul Beaulieu
Série(s) : Non précisé.
ISBN : 978-2-37687-325-9
EAN13 : 9782376873259
Reliure : Broché
Pages : 562
Hauteur: 22.0 cm / Largeur 14.0 cm
Épaisseur: 3.2 cm
Poids: 722 g