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L'humanité, réfugiée dans les Serres depuis plus d'un siècle, part à la reconquête de la Terre après une catastrophe climatique d'ampleur planétaire. Dans ce nouveau monde devenu étranger des tribus vivent en autarcie et les récits entremêlés préfigurent un nouvel âge. Un roman de science-fiction inspiré des travaux d'Hervé Le Guyader, professeur de biologie évolutive. ©Electre 2025
Illustrated tales for adults
When the Catastrophe occurred, part of humanity took refuge in the Greenhouses. They survived there, locked up for over a century, in the company of selected plants and animals. Outside, the wars exhausted themselves and the climate stabilized : the time came to reclaim the Earth.
Braids tells the story of an expedition in this now foreign universe, and the reunion of the inhabitants of the Greenhouses with a humanity that has followed a different path. The heroine, welcomed by a trible living in autarky in an extinct volcano, sees her relation to the world and to others profoundly challenged.
Braids also collects the intertwined stories produced by humans in a time of dramatic change - a future age when our species is about to diverge into new branches. In this transitional era, stories are at the heart of our experience of the world : the narratocene.
Léo Henry is old enough to remember the Chernobyl disaster (narrowly). He writes books (but not only), mainly science fiction (but not only). For this book, he really enjoyed the research and documentation work. He is not quite sure that fiction and reality are opposed concepts.
« We are immortal not because our knowledge will survive but because it will fade and give way to something else. We are the humans of the narratocene : slow, powerless, fragile, connected to each other and to all that proliferates around us. We live to speak and lend voice to the spirits, desires, goats and nostocs that are like us, to machines, to the principales of thermodynamics, to geological movements, to DNA sequences, to centuries, to music and to death. We are voices, air vibrations, signals emitted, degraded, muffled, we are contradicted, completed, refined and intertwined messages.
We are not saying : we should say that, we are saying that. »
Paru le : 02/09/2019
Thématique : Science Fiction
Auteur(s) : Auteur : Léo Henry
Éditeur(s) :
Dis voir
Collection(s) : Illustrated tales for adults
Contributeur(s) : Illustrateur : Denis Vierge - Collaborateur : Hervé Le Guyader - Directeur de publication : Danièle Rivière
Série(s) : Non précisé.
ISBN : 978-2-914563-94-9
EAN13 : 9782914563949
Reliure : Broché
Pages : 109
Hauteur: 22.0 cm / Largeur 17.0 cm
Épaisseur: 1.1 cm
Poids: 290 g