
Tomorrow : all over the globe, solutions already exist

Auteur : Cyril Dion

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Villes produisant elles-mêmes leur nourriture et leur énergie, systèmes zéro déchet, entrepreneurs et municipalités créant leur propre monnaie pour empêcher la spéculation, systèmes éducatifs pionniers... En reliant ces diverses initiatives, C. Dion et l'actrice et réalisatrice M. Laurent mettent au jour une communauté de pensée qui permet d'imaginer un monde différent. ©Electre 2025


What if highlighting solutions and telling positive stories was the best way to solve the ecological, economic, and social problems our countries are grappling with ?

In 2012, Cyril Dion learned about a study carried out by twenty two scientists from around the world that forecasts the extinction of multiple forms of life, and possibly a large part of humanity, by the year 2100. This news barely received any media coverage at all. Convinced that spreading catastrophic news is not effective, Dion decided to explore, along with actress and director Melanie Laurent and a small film crew, what our world could look like if we brought together some of the best solutions to date in agriculture, energy, economics, education, and democracy.

What they found were men and women changing the world : cities that produce their own food and energy, zero-waste systems, businesspeople and towns creating their own currency to prevent speculation and the appropriation of wealth, citizens rewriting their own constitution, and pioneering educational systems.

By linking these initiatives together, Dion and his crew bring to light a new philosophy, a community of thought among people who often don't know each other. New blueprints for society.

Fiche Technique

Paru le : 03/05/2017

Thématique : Sociologie de la famille et des générations

Auteur(s) : Auteur : Cyril Dion

Éditeur(s) : Actes Sud

Collection(s) : Domaine du possible

Contributeur(s) : Collaborateur : Mélanie Laurent

Série(s) : Non précisé.

ISBN : 978-2-330-07909-3

EAN13 : 9782330079093

Reliure : Broché

Pages : 316

Hauteur: 19.0 cm / Largeur 14.0 cm

Épaisseur: 1.9 cm

Poids: 443 g