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Cet ouvrage évoque les insectes nuisibles ainsi que tous les aspects écologiques des insectes forestiers. Tous les insectes forestiers sont évoqués, tels que les insectes de la canopée et les insectes défoliant, les insectes mangeant les graines et les insectes saproxyliques. ©Electre 2025
For many years, forest entomology has exclusively devoted itself to the study of pest species which affect the increasing number of artificial forests, the main concern being that of finding methods of control. However, as the economic and ecological costs of chemical pest control have continued to grow, it has become more and more important to develop our knowledge and understanding of the bionomics and the ecology of all forest insects.
This new book meets that need as it is major and unrivalled reference for all forest entomologists. It deals with pest insects as well with all aspects of the bionomics and the ecology of forest insects. The author has included all the latest scientific data combined with his own expertise focussing on the relationships between trees and insects, biodiversity and the causes of change and depletion in the forest insect fauna.
"Insects and Forests" covers all species of forest insects such as canopy and defoliating insects, gall forming insects, cone and seed eating and saproxylic insects. Details are also given on often neglected insects such as fungi and tree hole insects.
Translated from the best-selling French book "Les insectes et la forêt", this English edition has been revised and enlarged with two new chapters on North American forests and tropical rain forests.
"Insects and Forests" contains numerous illustrations together with more than 1000 bibliographical references. It is an essential reference for professional and amateur entomologists, life science teachers in forestry institutes, estate owners and forestry managers.
Paru le : 30/09/2000
Thématique : Biologie
Auteur(s) : Auteur : Roger Dajoz
Éditeur(s) :
Lavoisier-Tec & Doc
Collection(s) : Non précisé.
Contributeur(s) : Traducteur :
Série(s) : Non précisé.
ISBN : Non précisé.
EAN13 : 9782743003319
Reliure : Relié
Pages : XII-668
Hauteur: 25.0 cm / Largeur 16.0 cm
Poids: 1210 g