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Un prolongement du travail de Hirsch-Pugh-Shub sur la persistance des laminations normalement hyperboliques. Le concept de lamination est généralisé par une nouvelle catégorie d'objets, les stratifications de laminations, et implique plusieurs théorème de stabilité structurelle. ©Electre 2025
This manuscript complements the Hirsch-Pugh-Shub (HPS) theory on persistence of normally hyperbolic laminations and implies several structural stability theorems.
We generalize the concept of lamination by defining a new object : the stratification of laminations. It is a stratification whose strata are laminations. The main theorem implies the persistence of some stratifications whose strata are normally expanded. The dynamics is a Cr -endomorphism of a manifold (which is possibly not invertible and with critical points). The persistence means that any Cr-perturbation of the dynamics preserves a Cr -close stratification.
If the stratification consists of a single stratum, the main theorem implies the persistence of normally expanded laminations by endomorphisms, and hence implies HPS theorem. Another application of this theorem is the persistence, as stratifications, of submanifolds with boundary or corners normally expanded. Several examples are also given in product dynamics.
As diffeomorphisms that satisfy axiom A and the strong transversality condition (AS) defines canonically two stratifications of laminations : the stratification whose strata are the (un)stable sets of basic pieces of the spectral decomposition. The main theorem implies the persistence of some « normally AS » laminations which are not normally hyperbolic and other structural stability theorems.
Paru le : 30/10/2013
Thématique : Mathématiques Appliquées
Auteur(s) : Auteur : Pierre Berger
Éditeur(s) :
Société mathématique de France
Collection(s) : Non précisé.
Série(s) : Non précisé.
ISBN : 978-2-85629-767-4
EAN13 : 9782856297674
Reliure : Broché
Pages : 112
Hauteur: 24.0 cm / Largeur 18.0 cm
Épaisseur: 0.9 cm
Poids: 0 g