
The role of the court of justice of the European Union in competition law cases

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En s'appuyant sur des méthodes innovantes de recherche (analyses qualitatives et quantitatives, approche interdisciplinaire), les contributions traitent de questions générales ayant trait au droit de la concurrence européen ainsi que de la jurisprudence en la matière. ©Electre 2025

Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the GCLC

Twenty years have gone by since the establishment of the General Court of the European Union (EU). Against the wealth of judgments that have been handed down in this time, this book provides a thorough analysis of the system of judicial review in competition law cases.

The book compiles a series of studies and commentaries prepared by high-profile academics, judges, public officials, and practitioners for the Sixth Annual Conference of the Global Competition Law Centre (GCLC), a research center of the College of Europe. A broad range of issues relating to the European Courts' case-law on the application of Articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union («TFEU»), the EU Merger Regulation («EUMR») and the State aid rules are examined. Topics covered include, in particular, the effectiveness of the EU judicial review system, procedural issues, standing, the Court's unlimited jurisdiction vis-à-vis the imposition of fines, the protection of fundamental rights, challenges raised by expert economic evidence, and the pros and cons of specialist competition tribunals.

The objective of the current volume of the GCLC Annual Conference Series is to provide further impetus to the lively debates currently taking place amongst academics, policy makers and practitioners on the role of the judicature in competition law cases. Besides the valuable information that it contains on past and current judicial practice of the EU Courts, this book also provides thoughts on the future of the EU competition judicature. Thus, it will be of primary interest to EU competition lawyers, to EU judges, and European Commission officials alike.

Fiche Technique

Paru le : 10/04/2012

Thématique : Grands thèmes droit public

Auteur(s) : Non précisé.

Éditeur(s) : Bruylant

Collection(s) : GCLC annual conference series

Contributeur(s) : Editeur scientifique (ou intellectuel) : Massimo Merola - Editeur scientifique (ou intellectuel) : Jacques Derenne

Série(s) : Non précisé.

ISBN : 978-2-8027-3566-3

EAN13 : 9782802735663

Reliure : Broché

Pages : 326

Hauteur: 24.0 cm / Largeur 16.0 cm

Épaisseur: 1.9 cm

Poids: 465 g