
Comparative handbook : robotic technologies law

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Propose un aperçu comparatif des différents problèmes légaux et techniques engendrés par la robotique dans différentes parties du monde. ©Electre 2025

Comparative handbook : robotic technologies law

Studies of the overall impact of robotics on the economy have shown that investments in its various sectors - industrial, professional and service robotics - are increasing globally and the markets associated with them are valued in billions. Robotization improves the competitiveness of enterprises, while collaborative robotics reinvents methods of production. Beyond the economic outlook, service robotics, backed by the development of artificial intelligence, raises challenging ethical and social issues.

The legal analysis of robotics is no mean feat because it covers a very diverse technical reality. Companies whose businesses are focused on robotic technologies and applications can be confronted with a complex legal situation resulting from the plurality of the applicable rules which have not necessarily been conceived or adopted bearing in mind their specific constraints.

This situation should not hamper their development. It only implies taking cues from the economic legal norms which promote such developments and conducting an analysis of the legal risks which they face, given the applicable rules of liability.

This comparative study - carried out by members of the Lexing® Network - proposes an overview, having regard to the legislation of 17 different countries, of the legal issues raised by robotics and the way the law in force responds, in a more or less satisfactory manner.

Lexing® is the first international network of lawyers specialized in digital and emerging technology law. Created by Alain Bensoussan, Lexing® brings together seasoned, tech-savvy lawyers who each combine solid expertise in technology and industry with a thorough knowledge of law (

Fiche Technique

Paru le : 16/08/2016

Thématique : Droit intellectuel - communication

Auteur(s) : Non précisé.

Éditeur(s) : Larcier Intersentia

Collection(s) : Lexing, technologies avancées & droit

Contributeur(s) : Directeur de publication : Alain Bensoussan - Directeur de publication : Jérémy Bensoussan - Préfacier : Bruno Bonnell - Préfacier : Mady Delvaux-Stehres

Série(s) : Non précisé.

ISBN : 978-2-8044-9009-6

EAN13 : 9782804490096

Reliure : Broché

Pages : XXI-370

Hauteur: 24.0 cm / Largeur 16.0 cm

Épaisseur: 2.2 cm

Poids: 620 g