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Un ouvrage décryptant les sources de conflits inhérents au milieu de l'entreprise, afin de trouver des réponses concrètes pour établir une base solide à la communication et aux négociations dans les organisations. ©Electre 2025
«The training provided by CommunicActions, including the lessons covered in this book, is by far the most valuable and the richest training I have ever experienced. I have discovered a universal language that I didn't know existed, and it has had a great impact on my life. [M.K.]
The strength of this book lies in its method and its tools. They are more valuable to me than gold! I used to avoid conflicts; now, I feel joy when I confidently dare to communicate and negotiate with others. [S. H.]
These tools have radically changed my life and I have experienced tangible improvements in my relationships, starting with myself! Instead of wasting my time in confronting others, I now try to concentrate on finding my inner balance - first. [J. L.]
I have participated in various types of therapy sessions, but the teachings of Etienne Chomé are definitely those that I rely on, most often, in my daily life. They have helped me to achieve incredible results both at work, and at home and since I started to apply the method with my son, we argue ten times less than we used to. [S. M.]
For better conflict management, the C-R-I-T-E-R-E method interconnects three skills: Authentic Communication, Effective Negotiation and Framework of Law. It is an original and innovative synthesis of techniques known for their effectiveness in communication and negotiation. This book provides access to the greatest research achievements within these fields, encouraging clear and precise applications to our everyday relationships, be it within the couple, family, at work or at school. At each stage, a tool and various exercises provide due means for an inner transformation and the art of turning our disagreements into agreements.
Paru le : 30/01/2016
Thématique : Management- Théories et généralités
Auteur(s) : Auteur : Etienne Chomé
Éditeur(s) :
Presses universitaires de Louvain
Collection(s) : Non précisé.
Série(s) : Non précisé.
ISBN : 978-2-87558-377-2
EAN13 : 9782875583772
Reliure : Broché
Pages : 352
Hauteur: 24.0 cm / Largeur 17.0 cm
Poids: 0 g