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Le 9 avril 1917 à 5 h 30 du matin, le commandant britannique responsable des opérations militaires en Artois lance une offensive sans précédent contre les lignes allemandes, la bataille d'Arras. ©Electre 2025
On April 9th, 1917, 5:30 am: the British command, responsible for the military operations in Artois, launches the Battle of Arras, an offensive without precedent against the German lines, on nearly forty kilometers in line, Vimy (in the North) with Bullecourt (in the South), via the East of Arras.
On the tactical level, it is a question of seizing all the positions dominating the plain towards Douai. On a strategic planning, it actually acts of a vast operation of diversion, intended to attract the German troops in this zone of engagements, to facilitate an offensive of great width of the French troops on Aisne.
To make the lines move to the East of Arras, the British will imagine and implement the most incredible surprised attack of History, mobilizing more than 24,000 soldiers, in the greatest secrecy of an underground city arranged for the occasion...
Emerging from oblivion the imaginary testimonies of four anonymous heroes, coming from the four corners of the earth, Frédéric Logez makes us «live» - with the obsession of historical precision, the sense of staging, and the emotion of the feature which characterize him - arrangements, strokes of genius, the madness of an unthinkable battle supposed to put an end to the war...
New Zealand tunnellers, Australian soldiers, Newfoundlanders, Canadian, English, Welsh, Scot, Irish... all the British universe had met on the Artois soil. The only and last travel for most of them.
Paru le : 07/05/2014
Thématique : Aventure – Récit – Histoire – Western BD Adulte
Auteur(s) : Auteur : Frédéric Logez
Éditeur(s) :
Ed. Degeorge
Collection(s) : Non précisé.
Contributeur(s) : Traducteur : Mary Lynn Baxter
Série(s) : Non précisé.
ISBN : 978-2-916992-23-5
EAN13 : 9782916992235
Reliure : Cartonné
Pages : 79
Hauteur: 35.0 cm / Largeur 25.0 cm
Épaisseur: 1.4 cm
Poids: 880 g