
Sing your way to French : I sing, I play, I understand, I speak : ages 3-6

Auteur : Jeanette Loric

Auteur : Jean-François Leroux

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Un album sonore qui initie les enfants anglophones au français, en chansons et de façon ludique. ©Electre 2025

The aim of fhis album and the accompanying CD is to introduce your child to the French language through songs in a very entertaining way.

It is well-recognized that early learning of a foreign language is the best guarantee that it will be easily assimilated and permanently retained.

To guide your child's learning, each theme is divided into two distinct sequences :

  1. An original song, sung by French children, followed by a translation of the principal words.
  2. The karaoke of the song for a sing-along followed by audio-active games for learning and fun.

The separate tracks on the CD for each sequence have been arranged so that you can pass easily from one to another.

This album, which has been designed for use with children from the age of three, will give excellent grounding for the future learning of French.

These songs are original compositions, specially written for young children about subjects which are familiar to them.

¤ Quelle heure est-il ? - What time is it ?

¤ Réveille-toi ! - Wake up !

¤ Bonne journée ! - Have a nice day !

¤ Dans la salle de bains - In the bathroom

¤ Le petit déjeuner - Breakfast

¤ C'est l'heure d'aller à l'école ! - It's time for school !

¤ À l'école - At school

¤ La gymnastique - Gym

¤ C'est la récré ! - It's playtime !

¤ La pluie et le soleil - The rain and the sun

¤ La télévision - Television

¤ Dans le bain - In the bath

¤ Où est mon nounours ? - Where is my teddy-bear ?

¤ Bonne nuit ! - Good night ! (lullaby)

Fiche Technique

Paru le : 09/06/2010

Thématique : Langues Junior Imagerie documentaire

Auteur(s) : Auteur : Jeanette Loric Auteur : Jean-François Leroux

Éditeur(s) : Assimil

Collection(s) : Assimil jeunesse

Contributeur(s) : Illustrateur : Michiyo Deruelles

Série(s) : Non précisé.

ISBN : 978-2-7005-3035-3

EAN13 : 9782700530353

Reliure : Cartonné

Pages : 47

Hauteur: 25.0 cm / Largeur 17.0 cm

Poids: 305 g