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Novel Systems for the Study of Human Disease : from Basic Research to Applications

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
Transgenic mice have become of central importance for basic biological research, and for understanding diseases involving malfunction of the genetic machinery. The value of these animals as research tools may extend far beyond the purposes of the research project fo...
23,63 €

Utilisation and Reliability of High Power Proton Accelerators : workshop Proceedings, Mito, Japan, 13-15 October 1998

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
The use of high power particle accelerators in various areas of applied nuclear science is presented with special emphasis on accelerator driven reactor systems (ADS) for transmutation of nuclear waste. National programmes for the development of spallation neutron s...
99,09 €

Long-Lived Radionuclide Chemistry in Nuclear Waste Treatment : workshop Proceedings, Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, France, 18-20 June 1997

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
The future management of nuclear wastes will possibly be safer and more economical if long-lived radionuclides are removed from the wastes before their conditioning and disposal. Such a separation strategy will minimise the volume of conditioned wastes requiring disp...
59,46 €

Globalisation and Environment : preliminary Perspectives

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
Globalisation is changing the scale and the structure of economic activities. These changes are likely to impact on the environment, sometimes in positive ways, sometimes in negative ones. This publication examines the globalisation-environment relationship from the...
28,97 €

The Role of the Competition Agency in Regulatory Reform

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
Deregulation alone does not necessarily lead to competition. Competition agencies can actively contribute to eliminating constraints on competition, especially when dealing with partial deregulation, violations of law, and maintenance of long-standing non-competitiv...
9,91 €

Foreign Direct Investment Policy and Promotion in Latin America

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
What is the investment policy orientation in Latin America in the light of the present world financial environment? What are the perspectives for developing a multilateral framework for investment rules and what would be the Latin American involvement in this effort...
30,49 €

Capital Market Development in Transition Economies : country Experiences and Policies for the Future

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
Central and Eastern Europe and Russia have been actively building capital markets since the beginning of the transition period in 1990. Since that time, these countries have created or re-established equity markets and actively developed government securities market...
60,22 €

Insurance Regulation and Supervision in Economies in Transition

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
This volume gathers the proceedings of the Second East-West Conference on insurance systems in economies in transition organised in Warsaw by the OECD Insurance Committee and the Polish government. It mainly comprises guidelines on insurance regulation and supervisio...
26,68 €

The Local Dimension of Welfare-to-Work : an International Survey

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
Traditional welfare and employment policies have been unable to tackle the problems of high unemployment and exclusion in OECD countries and recently a wave of new approaches has emerged together with new political notions of welfare-to-work. This book describes the...
51,83 €

Implementing Inclusive Education

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
Including students with special educational needs in mainstream schoolsremains a goal of education policy in most countries. However, achieving thisaspiration is not easy. This book provides up to date information aboutdevelopments towards inclusion in eleven count...
18,29 €

Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities - SATIF 4 : workshop Proceedings - Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, 17-18 September 1998

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
Over the last 50 years particle accelerators have evolved from simple devices to powerful machines, and will continue to have an important impact on research, technology and lifestyle. Today, they cover a wide range of applications, from television and computer displ...
76,22 €

Modelling the Effects of Spatial Variability on Radionuclide Migration : paris, France - 9-11 June 1997

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
GEOTRAP is the OECD/NEA Project on Radionuclide Migration in Geologic, Heterogeneous Media carried out in the context of site characterisation and evaluation and safety assessment of deep repository systems of long-lived radioactive waste. ©Electre 2025
68,60 €

In Situ Experiments at the Stripa Mine

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
The International Stripa Project was launched in 1980 under the auspices of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency at the disused Stripa iron-ore mine in Sweden to study the ability of crystalline rock to isolate radioactive waste. The project is now completed and the final...
49,55 €

Corporate Governance, State-Owned Enterprises and Privatisation

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
How can the efficiency of state-owned enterprises be improved? What effects do privatisation policies have on corporate governance in privatised enterprises? What role do employees play in corporate governance? This report examines these issues and provides recommend...
18,29 €

Foreign Direct Investment and Recovery in Southeast Asia

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
The financial crisis in Asia has brought to the fore the question of the appropriate policies for recovery and for future sustainable development. One area of particular importance is the treatment of foreign investors. ©Electre 2025
45,73 €

Environmental Financing in the Russian Federation

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
In Russia, there has been a severe lack of financing for environmental projects in recent years. Traditional sources of financing, such as government budgets, lack resources in this time of crisis, while new sources have yet to develop their potential. ©Electre 2025
12,20 €

Assessing the Environmental Effects of Trade Liberalisation Agreements : Methodologies

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
How can the environmental effects of trade liberalisation agreements be assessed ? Are available methodologies sufficiently tuned to current concerns? In order to take stock of the state of the art in assessment methodologies, the OECD organised a two-day technical ...
68,60 €

Policies Towards Full Employment

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
As we embark on a new century, some 33 million people are out of work in the OECD area. Policies to increase employment have topped most countries' domestic political agendas in the past decade. And employment and unemployment are likely to remain major economic and ...
44,21 €

Physics and Fuel Performance of Reactor-Based Plutonium Disposition : workshop Proceedings - Paris, France, 28-30 September 1998

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
Following recent disarmament agreements, the Russian Federation and the USA have declared part of their stockpiles of weapons-grade plutonium as a surplus to their national defense needs. This material needs to be disposed of, and one of the suggested means of doing ...
60,98 €

Field Tracer Experiments : role in the Prediction of Radionuclide Migration

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
GEOTRAP is an OECD/NEA Project devoted to radionuclide migration in geologic, heterogeneous media in the framework of site evaluation and safety assessment of deep repository systems for high-level and/or long-lived radioactive waste. ©Electre 2025
38,11 €

Preparing Youth for the 21st Century : The Transition from Education to the Labour Market:proceedings of the Washington D.C. Conference -- 23-24 February 1999

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
Young people's situation and future prospects are of vital concern to us all. Many of them face high unemployment or joblessness and serious difficulties in getting a firm foothold into the labour market. Many leave school without the requisite skills or competences...
53,36 €

Cleaner Production and Waste Minimisation in OECD and Dynamic Non-Member Economies

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
Worldwide, interest in applying cleaner production and waste minimisation is growing as business and governments recognise the "win-win" economic and environmental benefits that can be obtained, often at no or low cost. ©Electre 2025
21,34 €

Towards Sustainable Transportation

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
The past fifty years have seen an exponential growth in the mobility of both people and goods. This growth, while contributing to great social and economic advances, is now increasingly eroding some of the very benefits it has brought about. In particular, it is no...
19,82 €
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