




Micro Economy-Wide Models for Migration and Policy Analysis : an Application to Rural Mexico

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
This book takes data from rural farm and household surveys to estimate a micro economy-wide model of a typical migrant-sending village in Mexico and then uses the model to examine the economic impacts of migration. This modelling structure offers the advantage of cap...
13,72 €

The Political Feasibility of Adjustment in Developing Countries

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
What political conditions are necessary for the success of economic adjustment? This publication analyses a body of work on this question, and indicates the politically risky measures to be avoided as well as those more likely to ensure a peaceful adjustment to diff...
22,11 €

The Tying of Aid

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
12,20 €

Globalisation and Regionalisation : the Challenge for Developing Countries

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
Economists tend to see globalisation as a good thing while others, including governments, often view it as a threat to stability and national economic policy autonomy. Regionalisation has been regarded by some as a partial palliative against this ostensible loss of s...
16,77 €

Financing Exports to Developing Countries

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
19,82 €

China's Economic Performance in an International Perspective

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
Estimates abound of the rates of growth and inflation in the People's Republicof China, but most are not internationally comparable. This study by adistinguished Chinese economist applies techniques which do permit internationalcomparisons of the real indicators of ...
24,39 €

Corporate Bankruptcy in India : a Comparative Perspective

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
A central tenet of comprehensive reform programmes is that resources wasted in obsolete and inefficient production be freed for more productive use. This study on corporate bankruptcy in India, anchored in theory and with an international perspective, focuses on i...
16,77 €

Technological Change in China

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
44,21 €

Whither African Economies ?

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
This collection of reflections on the future of the African economy diagnoses the malaise which has afflicted the economy of sub-Saharan Africa and left the continent in a state of crisis, despite ongoing development efforts. The time has come to rethink long term de...
19,82 €

Managing the Environment with Rapid Industrialisation : lessons from the East Asian Experience

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
This book takes a comparative look at environmental management experience in five Asian high economic performers -- Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Indonesia. While rapid economic growth has placed heavy strains on their environments, governments in these countri...
23,63 €

Conversion of Military Industries in China

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
Over the past 15 years, China has converted a considerable proportion of its military industry to civilian production. If the process has been particularly successful on the technical level, enterprise management and product competitivity are still in need of improv...
22,11 €

The Economic Transformation of South Korea : lessons for the Transition Economies

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
This study on the transformation of Korea over three decades challenges the view that economic success was simply based upon sensible macroeconomic policies. It argues that the role of the government far surpassed that of simply adopting and implementing these polici...
13,72 €

Adjustment and Technology : the Case of Rice

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
19,82 €

Economic opening and growth in China

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
Fournit une mesure quantitative de l'effet spécifique des entrées de capitaux en Chine au titre de l'investissement direct étranger (IDE) et en donne des estimations par régions. Montre qu'il existe de nombreuses disparités entre les provinces côtières et celles de l...
18,29 €

The Second-Generation Pension Reforms in Latin America

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
More than a decade after Chile moved from a public pay-as-you-go to a private funded pension system, seven more countries in Latin America have reformed their pension systems. This study provides a detailed description of all second-generation pension reforms in Lati...
22,87 €

Conflict and Growth in Africa Volume 3 : southern Africa

Éditeur(s) : OCDE
This book is about conflict. In that, it is certainly not alone, but it approaches the problem in five Southern African countries from the standpoint of economic analysis. While the authors have not ignored social, ethnic and historical factors which led to conflict,...
32,01 €