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Une sélection de lieux de charme en bord de mer de la Manche à la Méditerranée : longères avec vue, maisons de pêcheurs, manoirs centenaires, cabanes chic... ©Electre 2025
From the sapphire Mediterranean waters along the Côte d'Azur to the Atlantic cliffs and beaches of Brittany and Normandy, Sébastien Siraudeau has traveled the coastlines of France to reveal the Gallic secrets of interior decoration inspired by the sea.
A vintage chair with ticking stripe upholstery against a pale blue wall, wooden flea market furniture scrubbed bare, electric-blue bottles glimmering in a corner, a ship's lantern, or a lobster trap - subtle details suggest that the ocean is nearby. A blend of retro, minimalist, and contemporary styles, the French seaside homes featured here combine rustic materials and untreated metal, tanned leather and linen, along with a cheery spectrum of blues, reds, yellows, greens, and even black and white. These French interiors, balconies, and terraces - opening out to azure skies and sparkling waves on the horizon - are replete with ideas that will infuse the home with serenity and joy, recalling memories of carefree days at the beach.
The fourth title in a successful series, French Seaside Style celebrates the enduring popularity of nautically-inspired interiors, with a French twist.
A converted boathouse on the Somme estuary, a tiled roofdeck in Marseille, a harbor cottage overlooking the fishermen boats and sailing yachts of La Trinité-sur-Mer, and an old manor facing the Channel Islands have all been transformed and decorated by passionate owners into the Ideal French seaside retreats.
Sundrenched terraces are accessorized with flea-market finds and maritime details including fishhooks and model sailboats perched on a windowsill. Driftwood centerpieces remind us of the beauty and simplicity of nature. A collection of oars propped in a corner forms a rustic sculpture, and the wide stripes of the lounge chairs evoke the laid-back allure of warm weather. Stepping inside, the rooms are equally inviting with earth tones and bright touches, accessorized with the classically popular icons - vintage buoys, fishing nets, shells, and starfish - that carry the theme throughout the home. Natural wood finishes set the tone and are the perfect complement to fabrics and embroidery in the fresh hues of summertime.
Sébastien Siraudeau has a keen eye for the best sources of decoration inspiration in France; practical information on how to visit these guesthouses and hotels completes the book. French Seaside Style is filled with treasures rescued from the sea and captivating getaways to be visited and admired, all offering creative ideas for the home.
Paru le : 04/05/2011
Thématique : Décoration intérieure et techniques de décoration
Auteur(s) : Auteur : Sébastien Siraudeau
Éditeur(s) :
Collection(s) : Non précisé.
Contributeur(s) : Traducteur : Louise Rogers Lalaurie
Série(s) : Non précisé.
ISBN : 978-2-08-020077-8
EAN13 : 9782080200778
Reliure : Relié sous jaquette
Pages : 207
Hauteur: 25.0 cm / Largeur 20.0 cm
Épaisseur: 2.4 cm
Poids: 1066 g